Ulrich Schultheiss

composer | komponist

​"What a cool piece! It gripp​ed me as soon as I heard it"

​Gerard McChrystal, saxophonist (UK)

Ulrich Schultheiss is a highly demanded composer and arranger with a musical language that is infused with elements of other genres, cultures or art forms. His music is performed in Europe, in states of the former Soviet Union, in North, Central and South America, in the Middle and Far East. In addition, he has made radio recordings, CD and video productions in Germany and abroad. His catalogue of works includes around 150 compositions for various instrumentations as well as works and arrangements for film, cabaret, theatre and performance. In addition to his artistic activities, he has worked and researched as a professor of music theory and in the field of digital media.

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​Birdsong & Drops in Holland

Oct 20 & 24, 2024 | Almere & Zeewolde (NL)
Birdsong and drops in the wind are part of the music theatre piece 'SCHOKGOLF' (Shockwave) by Dutch artist Annechien Koerselman. The Ensemble Black Pencil is responsible for the musical performance. More information including video trailer can be found on the artist's website. 

tango sulle corde

​Oct 20, 2024 | Münster (D)
The Duo Giussani, Pauline Stephan (cello) and Julian Richter (guitar), will perform the premiere of tango sulle corde in the version for cello and guitar at the historic Haus Rüschhaus as part of the Celloherbst am Hellweg 2024 festival.

birdsong & Drops in the wind

Sep 21/22, 2024 | Schokland (NL)
​Members of the Ensemble Black Pencil played birdsong (Jorge Isaac, tenor recorder) and drops in the wind (Marko Kassl, accordion) by Ulrich Schultheiss in two performances each at the World Heritage Site Schokland (NL) as part of the SCHOKGOLF event.

​about infinity

Sep 19, 2024 | Münster (D)
​Paula Richter (bassoon) and Christian Richter (organ) perform about infinity at the "Erlöserkonzerte" in the Erlöserkirche Münster. More info

ping pong

​Aug 24, 2024 | Trier (D)
The recorder quartet Flautando Köln, Albrecht Maurer and Heikko Deutschmann present the crossover performance "Jack & Jill - Patterns of Love and Laughter" with lyrics by Ronald D. Laing and music by Ulrich Schultheiss and others at the IHK Conference Centre in Trier as part of the Mosel Music Festival 2024. Video Trailer Photo (c) Christina Feldhoff

chinwag premiere

​Aug 4, 2024 | Fergitz (D)
Susanne Fröhlich (recorder) and Meinrad Kneer (double bass), both based in Berlin, will perform the premiere of chinwag in the Fergitz village church on Oberuckersee as part of the Uckermärkische Musikwochen 2024. The concert is entitled '...von Magie und Wirklichkeit'. The programme also includes birdsong in the version for alto recorder.

Wanted in Italy

​July 2024 | Cividale del Friuli (I)
The band MARQUIS NOIR from Romania was honoured with the ‘Premio Mittelyoung 2024’ at MITTELYOUNG 2024, Europe's largest U-30 festival. The programme included wanted, which was released in 2023 in an arrangement on MARQUIS NOIR's album METAMORPHOSIS.


​Jul 30, 2024 | BR2Radio (D)
Kolja Lessing plays notturno for solo violin in a Bavarian Radio production.

​about infinity

Jul 28, 2024 | Stadthagen (D)​
​Paula Richter (bassoon) and Christian Richter (organ) play about infinity at the "Orgelsommer - Junge Talente", in the St. Martini church in Stadthagen. More info 

​about infinity Premiere

Jul 26, 2024 | Lüneburg (D)
​Paula Richter (bassoon) and Christian Richter (organ) perform the premiere of about infinity at the "Lüneburger Orgelsommer" in the St. Nicolai church. More info

zick zack​

​Jul 12, 2024 | Essen (D)
Margarita Cherenkova (soprano saxophone) and Taras Makhno (accordion) play zick zack as part of the 'Folkwang Week of Contemporary Music' at the Pina Bausch Theatre on the Essen-Werden Campus. Info  

slowburn in slovenia

​Jun 26, 2024 | Ljubljana (SLO)
In his master's degree concert with Prof. Dušan Kranjc, Anton Sotošek (pos.) plays slowburn (1994) together with Matic Sotošek (clar.), Mateja Hladnik (pian.) and Martin Pinter (perc.) at the Music Academy of the University of Ljubljana (SLO). Info

zick zack​

June 24, 2024 | Essen (D)
Margarita Cherenkova (soprano saxophone) and Taras Makhno (accordion) play zick zack ​in the concert of Prof Mie Miki's accordion class at the Folkwang University of the Arts Essen. 

Birdsong Recording

Jun 17, 2024 | Berlin (D)
Berlin recorder player Susanne Fröhlich records the version of birdsong for alto recorder for Pantopia Music at Teldex Studios in Berlin. 

daydream & Blue-S

Jun 1 & 2, 2024 | Frankfurt/M.​ (D)
​Yuri Jang (violin) and Tobias Hagedorn (organ) play the premiere of DayDream as part of the "HörBar Weekend" in Frankfurt's Herz Jesu Church. Yuri Jang will play the blue S for solo violin in the final concert.

new recordings

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Link to all recordings


​"The Object - or how to destroy an ideal world". The score of the 1985 ballet suite has recently been digitised. A separate website provides brief information, music and sound samples. The first performance took place in Osnabrück in 1986 with the Osnabrück Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Jean-François Monnard.


The score of this trio for clarinet, violoncello and piano from 1992 has been revised and digitised. Music and sound samples can be found on a separate website. The premiere took place in 1993 at the Wuerzburg Residence.  

 Vergossen & Vergessen

​for four concertante woodwinds in orchestra. Written for the Weimar Staatskapelle under the impression of partly almost lost texts from the Munich Bohème (1890 - 1914). On a website there are score excerpts as well as audio samples.

 The man outside

"A play that no theatre wants to perform and no audience wants to see." (W. Borchert) On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the German writer Wolfgang Borchert in 2021 Ulrich's ballet music ('Draussen vor der Tür') from 1995 was revised. Excerpts from the score and several audios are available on a website.

... new scores

ARE Verlag in Cologne published DayDream for violin and organ,  pas de deux for two violoncellos, verweht in the arrangement for tenor or alto recorder, as well as three miniatures: birdsong for tenor recorder, drops in the wind for accordion and wind chimes for viola.

Farewell Concert Online

The video of Ulrich Schultheiss' farewell concert at the University of Music Muenster including souvenir, blue-S, zick zack, Song from Paris and double trouble is available on YouTube in its entirety as well as in separate contributions featuring:
Fatjona Maliqi, piano
Minji Han, piano
Rebekka Wilhelm, soprano saxophone
Franziska Ecker, accordion
Prof. Matias de Oliveira Pinto, violoncello
Risa Adachi, piano
Prof. Stephan Froleyks, moderation

Trailer: 'Climbing Utopia'

lyrics by René Daumal
music by Nils Imhorst, Serban Nichifor, Jacob TV, Ulrich Schultheiss ("Karussell" from 02:49)

project manager: Robert Beck
direction, action: Frederik Göke
clarinet: Robert Beck
bass: Nils Imhorst
accordion: Marko Kassl


+++ the latest premieres

chinwag - premiered by Susanne Fröhlich (rec) and Meinrad Kneer (upright bass) in Fergitz (D) (08/2024)
about infinity - ​premiered by Paula Richter (bn) and Christian Richter (org) in Lüneburg (D)  (07/2024)
DayDream​ - premiered by Yuri Jang (vl.) and Tobias Hagedorn (org) in Frankfurt/M. (D) (06/2024)
verweht* - premiered by Nicola Mogavero (soprano saxophone*) in Lamia (GR) (05/2023)
pas de deux​ - premiered by Matias de Oliveira Pinto (vc) & Fábio Presgrave (vc) in Natal (Brazil) (04/2023)
trouble in paradise* - premiered by Pavel Tseliapniou (fl), Jan Termath (tba*) and Deborah Rawlings (pf) in Muenster (D) (10/2022)
witch hunt & orchestra - premiered by Nelma Passinen (sax) and the Seinäjoki City Orchestra SKOR in Seinäjoki (SF) (09/2022)
birdsong - premiered by Jorge Isaac (red) @ Schokland (NL) Soundwalk (07/2022)
wind chimes - premiered by Esra Pehlivanli (vla) @ Schokland (NL) Soundwalk (07/2022)
drops in the wind - premiered by Marko Kassl (acc) @ Schokland (NL) Soundwalk (07/2022)
Mosaik - premiered by Manuel Lipstein (vc) @ "DEBUT UM 11" in Recklinghausen (D) (02/2022)
Mosaik - premiered by Anna Karácsonyi (piano) @ "DEBUT UM 11" in Recklinghausen (D) (02/2022)
Mosaik - premiered by Armin Khihel (clar) @ "DEBUT UM 11" in Recklinghausen (D) (02/2022)

2000 - 2020 
20 years of 'witch hunt in concert'

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