
'Draussen vor der Tür'
  'The Man Outside'

ballet music for orchestra
composed by Ulrich Schultheiss (1995/1996) rev. 2021/22

based on the drama by Wolfgang Borchert: engl. 'The Man Outside'

  sample pages [revised score]  

1 flute/piccolo - 1 oboe - 1 clarinet/bass clar. - 1 bassoon - 1 french horn - 1 trumpet - 1 trombone - 1 tuba - 2 percussionists - piano - strings (solo strings)

90 - 100 minutes

External informations about the original work: 
English | German

Auch wenn Wolfgang Borchert seinem Drama den Untertitel „Ein Stück, das kein Theater spielen und kein Publikum sehen will“ gab, wurde es eines der bedeutendsten Nachkriegsdramen und machte den sehr jung verstorbenen Autor berühmt.
Zeit der Handlung: Ein Abend, drei Jahre nach der Schlacht von Stalingrad
Ort: diverse Schauplätze in und um Hamburg.

Even though Wolfgang Borchert gave his drama the subtitle "A play that no theatre wants to perform and no audience wants to see", it became one of the most important post-war dramas and made the author, who died very young, famous.
Time of plot: One evening, three years after the battle of Stalingrad.
Location: Various locations around Hamburg. 


PROLOGUE & 1st SCENE | Prolog & 1. Bild

2nd SCENE | 2. Bild & 1. Intermezzo

3rd SCENE | 3. Bild

2nd INTERMEZZO | 2. Intermezzo

4th SCENE | 4. Bild

5th SCENE | 5. Bild

3rd  INTERMEZZO | 3. Intermezzo

6th SCENE | 6. Bild

4th INTERMEZZO | 4. Intermezzo

7th SCENE | 7. Bild

8th SCENE | 8. Bild

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are-verlag.de coming soon

*Hinweis: orchestral samples included in this recording from the Vienna Symphonic Library 

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